Family support or lack thereof


So for Easter yesterday we were invited to my grandmother's for a late lunch. As you guys know with GD I need to try and eat at the same time every day if possible. Well I was ok moving lunch back about an hour from normal but that's where things got messed up. My sister decided to be 1hr and a half late and in turn everyone waited on her to get there. So at that point I'm 2 and half hrs past time to eat. Then everyone is piddling around about getting lunch served. I just looked at my husband and said it's time to leave. So we left still hungry and honestly very irritated. They all know that I have GD and am almost 36wks pregnant. My husband got us both food on the way home. I'm still upset with my family, especially my sister for being so inconsiderate. Am I wrong to be upset? BTW she's always late and comes in the door like a bat out of hell pissed off. But everyone else is supposed to be happy and understanding.