Weird dream/experience

Aaliyah • I put the ‘Bi’ in Bitch.

So I woke up around midnight because I was hot and I had to go to the bathroom. Surprisingly I wasn’t really tired but I did try to go back to sleep. After a while I got really sleepy like I couldn’t keep my eyes open but every time i tried to succumb to sleep my body got like goosebumps and I felt uneasy like kinda shakey I thought I saw my nephew standing in front of his crib and then I’d like open my eyes you know try to wake up. And again I couldn’t keep my eyes open and I heard running down the hall so naturally I assumed it was my niece so I was going to call out her name to see if she’d respond but I couldn’t. I tried ignoring everything but I felt so uneasy every time I closed my eyes so I decided I was gonna get up and leave the room but I couldn’t get up like it felt like I had no strength at all but when I finally did sit up and got out of bed I was wide awake and everything felt normal.