Young & Sad lol

Ok y’all. I’m really disappointed in myself right now and I know it’s not my fault. Long story short I adore my boyfriend with all of my heart. We have a very healthy relationship and are happy together. However, my sex drive has been so low and I can’t help but feel bad. (I’m 18, he’s 19) I still have the tendencies to want to, but when we start, I dry up and don’t want to anymore. He doesn’t mind at all and we end up just cuddling. But now this happens all the time. It’s not like I have it often, we only do it once a week due to our schedules. (Which is totally fine, were young.) I have absolutely no interest in having sex anymore. It makes me feel like shit because I want to have sex with my boyfriend but I can’t get turned on at all. It’s like we begin and i’m ready, but seconds later it goes away... It breaks my heart because I’m so young and have no interest in being able to make love to someone I want to be with forever. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t have health insurance and I can’t afford to go to the OB/GYN and it’s frustrating 😞

To make it short: I can’t get turned on. NO MATTER WHAT.