Father's Day

Adrianna • 25. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👶🏻 Im not mean, I speak how I feel. Virgo 🤘🏻 Live life Lovely 💋💅🏻

So Me and My SO have been together for over a year, and for some reason. He doesn't have a valid one. Doesn't want to meet my dad.

So I never really see my dad.

Anyways, he invited us to Lake Camanche tomorrow for Father's day weekend, to fish, bbq, hang out.

So it's really important to me to go, and he doesn't want too.

Like can't you sacrifice 1 freaking day!!??

Anyways, I'm super upset and if we don't go he's about to see the Devil in me. And if we go he said he's gonna be uncomfortable and be in a bad mood and it won't go well.

He told me go by myself but that's not the point. And I'm gonna hear from my dad how come he didn't come and how come he doesn't want to meet them. It just looks bad.

What should I do?

This is really bothering me. 😭