No Support!!

My husband is a complete ASS! He has no sympathy for the things I go through. When I'm up at night with heartburn, and can't sleep because I'm either in pain or uncomfortable, all he says is "Your annoying",  "all you do is complain", "do you ever not talk about you". It's like my god, you have a pregnant wife here, how can you be so rude. It hurts my feelings a lot, and I tell him but it makes no difference. He never hugs me, or consoles me to make me feel better, not even with words. All he does is turns o we and goes to sleep. Hungry, I gotta get myself something to eat, leg cramps, I gotta rub em myself, heartburn, if I have no tums I gotta run to the store. I do t want him to kiss my ass but damn. Does anyone think I'm wrong for feelin like I just want to run away from him?