If you have to have a csection, can you go ahead and have them suck out any extra fat? πŸ™„πŸ™ƒ asking for a friend.


Well, little one, you've taken my sleep, my comfort, my clothes, my rare steaks, my breath, my energy, my bourbon, my tan, my flat stomach, and my navel ring. The list goes on. And on. And on.

Sometimes I get a little discouraged when looking in the mirror, or when I'm trying to get dressed, or when timehop let's me know it's been 6 years since I had my belly button pierced, but then I look at the bright side. I'll probably never have my flat, tan, stretch mark free stomach again, but I do have a built in TV table tray for endless doritos and in 12 short weeks I will be holding the most precious little man imaginable. Come on my little Junebug. πŸ’™

Also, I don't actually want lypo. Just before we have a ruckus. πŸ˜‚