Ladies, listen to your body


I took misoprostol on the 2wnd of March to induce a miscarriage. I bled and cramped all night and bleed lightly through the next day. by the day after, the blood had stopped. But six days later, the bleeding and pain returned. within three days it was intense and excessive, but only for a few hours at a time. I thought it was normal and the hospital said I should be fine, but I thought something was wrong. but I go on. well, today, almost two weeks after I took medicine to induce a miscarriage, I spent five hours in the ER because of extreme (for me) blood loss And pretty intense pain. my boss told me to leave work and go to the ER. so I did.. well Ladies, I was right in my thinking I hadn't completed the miscarriage. I still have baby parts in me that need to be removed. so I am going through steps to do that now. But really. this should have been done days ago. ladieslisten to your bodies and trust yourself. I could have been very sick had I waited a few more days. I hope this encourages any of you who need it to seek medical treatment. it sure has made me feel better.