what if i cant handle the foley balloon? Really scared


Getting induced in 6 days, 5th baby. Still a wimp!! My first two came on their own, my third i had cervidil which got me to 2cm then my waters broken and on pitocin and my last baby was cervidil only. I want a labour like last time if i can. Ive been using evening primrose oil for a week, having sex, walking and eating curry tonight for dinner. I got checked today im 1cm but still thick. The dr has agreed to cervidil but if it doesnt work, i need the foley catheter. If that doesnt work then i get my waters broken. Im not totally against pitocin and my waters broken but im terrified at the idea of the foley. Idk why.. the idea of it manually pulling my cervix apart and trying to fit a tube with a balloon in my almost closed cervix scares me. What if i cant handle it? Im so scared of the foley. Any experiences or advice is much appreciated