Should I stay or go??

Hey ladies. I’m in need of some advice on my current relationship. So to give a bit of a background, me and my boyfriend met back in 2013. I had just turned 21 and in my 3rd year of college. I met him at the mall one day when he gave me this corny pick up line but it got my attention.

He told me he was 28 at the time. I had just left a situationship so I was open to talking to someone new although he was a little bit older than me.

He was a really nice guy and very generous ( paid my car note on first date and NO I did not ask or have to do anything). So after dating a few months we finally decided to be intimate and have sex. A day after we have sex he tells me he has to be honest about something. The truth he was hiding was the fact that he was actually 36 years old!! 15 year age difference. I was shocked, disappointed and in disbelief. But at that time I was into him and he was the nicest sweetest person I ever dated. So I tried to look past it. When I say try to look past it, I mean keep him a secret. So fast Forward and I graduated college and was moving back home to another city. Upon me moving I found out I was pregnant and we ultimately decided to get an abortion. After that we kinda parted ways but he we would always come back. I dated other ppl but he still kept pursuing.

Now in 2016 I finally decided to give him a chance. I had been dating and nothing serious happened. He kept pursuing so I tried to suppress my feelings about this age difference.

I get pregnant again and now decide to keep it. At that time I finally had to introduce him to my family. I lied to them about his age too said he was only 31 and I was 25 at the time. To minimize the dirty looks.

We have a beautiful baby girl who is 7 months. His birthday passed recently and he is now 40 and I’m 26. The age difference is starting to bother me now and I hate it because he is so in love with me. It’s bothering me because I feel like I’m living a secret life and I can never bring him around friends because he is significantly older and it’s awkward. Our leases is coming to an end and I really wan to just get my own place and co parent. I want my own place because I’m not happy as I should be. Sure I love having 2 incomes and 2 parent household but I also don’t feel a forever with him. I don’t see marriage for us in the future. He really wants us to stay together because he cannot afford his own place and we are supposed to be a family.

Should I suck it up and stay for my family or be a single mom and possibly be happy later on??