Every time I have sex I get sick?!


Hi guys some thing really strange has been happening and I’m wondering if any of you might have any advice...

I’m single but there’s this guy I’ve hooked up with a few times. We have both been tested for STD’s and I’m on birth control so we don’t use condoms.. but something strange happens every time.

We have hooked up 4 times and after every time without fail I GET SICK. My tonsils will swell and hurt, and I’ve gotten a yeast infection EVERY TIME. I make sure to clean myself and use the restroom right after we finish but this still happens.

I’ve never had this issue with any other man so I’m wondering what the deal is? It’s like my body is literally repelling him 😂 He is on tons of medications at the moment due to health conditions so I’m wondering if that could have something to do with it?? I appreciate any input. This whole thing is just sooooo weird hahaha