I’m like so fucking pissed what do I do?!

Ladies! Help me please not be an asshole I’m just so irritated and annoyed right now.

My problem is I have a goddamn wonderful husband who works his ass off and helps whenever he can. I work full time day shift and he works full time on night shift. Not only is he hardworking, he’s also handsome, athletic, a great cook, mechanically inclined, and a terrific dad to our 11 month old.

Ok what’s the fucking problem you ask??

His piece of shit asshole mom!!!

She recognizes that despite being a horrible mother to him, he loves her still and will bend over backwards for her. She seems him as her handyman, chauffeur, landscaper, cash cow. She uses him in any way possible.

Now I know that’s his mom and I respect that. HOWEVER I am so fucking fed up right now!!

She is a registered nurse but chooses not to work and live on welfare.

She called my husband the other day and asked if we could take her to Disney next Friday with our daughter. Ok whatever fine.

She calls him 2 days later and asks him to buy her a dishwasher because hers was leaking. Annoying but ok.

He buys the dishwasher and she throws a fit until he agrees to stay and install it.

She calls him today and asks him for money. He calls me and asks me if it’s ok.

I am basically fuming at this point but I try to keep my cool. I try to imagine if it was my mom in that situation and needed money and I would hope he would say its ok so I tell him that while I would never deny him from giving his mother financial assistance if she absolutely needed it (her bank has a hold on her welfare check at the moment, that’s why she needs the money) I wanted him to know that I am disappointed in her as a person and as a mother. I didn’t say it with attitude and it was hard as hell but I didn’t say anymore.

He was kinda quiet for a minute and started rambling all these excuses for her but I simply replied “She’s an adult woman with a nursing degree. If she wanted to earn an honest living she absolutely could. There’s nothing you can tell me right now that will make me not feel like she should know better and needs to make better financial decisions.”

Damnit we have a daughter and trying to buy our second house. We have our own lives to live. Stop acting like a spoiled child and a fucking burden. There’s so much more I could say about her but I will leave it at that for now.

Personally I will never like you or care bout you bitch for how you treated your son as child. Anyone who physically and emotionally abuses children can sleep in the fucking gutter for all I care.

All I know is next time I see her (probably at Disney) I’m going to let her know that his gravy train she’s is about to be derailed.

Sorry for the rant but I hate that bitch.