stupid hat


what would you do? throw it out or not? i dont see anything wrong with it sinced i washed it but my husband has a completely different mindset. so I had to clean out a container to put some leftovers in and the shredded chicken that was in it I had to throw away. there was a garbage bag ready to be taken out so like any sensible person I tried to untie it to throw away the food. my husband tied it too tight so I ended up ripping a hole in it and pouring the chicken in then tried to tie it up. I couldn't get it as tight as he can but I thought it as good enough. fast forward later on in the evening and he was going to work (he works 3rd shift) and was grabbing the trash and I told him to make sure the bag doesn't come untied cuz I put the chicken in it. well he didn't listen and ended up getting it on his hand. he must have been holding his hat in his hand as well. well he got irritated with me because I didnt put it in a different garbage bag (mind you the one in the trash was fresh and I didn't want to waste it) he went to wash it off his hand and went to put it on his hat when he felt it on his head. he then threw down the hat and said that the hat needs to be thrown away now cuz it for on it. I'm like just wash it and he's said it's hand wash only and I said I would just was it out then. but he then stated that he is going to get e coli or semenella from it. I obviously got irrited cuz it's just a hat. I'm like whatever bye and he left foe work. I looked and felt it all over and I couldn't find a single wet or dirty spot on it. I still washed It out but he called me 5 mins later apologizing for getting mad but he still wants me to throw it out. oh and by the way it's his favorite hat.