Right after getting married (1 mo) hubby was diagnosed (while deployed) with testicular cancer, resu...

Right after getting married (1 mo) hubby was diagnosed (while deployed) with testicular cancer, resulting in our ability to have children being stripped to 0% (according to our specialist that advised against even wasting money on invitro) 
Hubby and I started our foster and adoption journey about 2 years later and have done so for 5 years, 8 beautiful kids! This past summer (married for 8 years) we found out we were pregnant with our surprise baby! I had prayed over a name the year before but wasn’t sure how this child would come to us but had faith that she would! Pregnancy was a roller coaster of a journey but overall healthy! Labored with no medication or intervention with a midwife at our local birthing center and labor was FAST! Went from being dialated at a 5 to baby being born in an hr and 20min! I was not prepared for that kind of intensity but all that in hindsight our baby girl is here! Emory Vonne! We are blessed! Her siblings are smitten...and her sister relieved to no longer be the only girl (7 brothers!)