Homebirth to 9lb, 22in Baby Girl


Baby Celesta was born at home yesterday at 6:13pm measuring 9lbs, 22in, and 14in head. I'm not very big (5'3, 135pp weight) so it was a doozy, but there was miraculously no tearing. She was born a day before her due date, just like her big brother who recently turned 3. I had contractions start early morning that came pretty regularly at about 5 mins apart so we called my brother to come watch my little boy. I was still having more contractions, a little more intense, but they were growing further apart. We decided to have my brother take little guy out of the house for the day and, sure enough, when he was no longer around, things picked up. I was in active labor starting around 1 or 2pm. Our midwife and her assistant arrived around 3pm. Transition was a beast starting close to 5pm. I pushed in my living room, summoning all the ferocity and primal force I could possibly gather, and 16 minutes later our baby girl arrived. She decided to make it extra hard, not only by being above average in every measurement, but also having both hands by her head as she came out. She was healthy and perfect. I was healthy. It was pure euphoria since then and we're still riding that wave of joy. Best of luck to all the mommas! We are such beautiful warriors.