9lbs 5 oz born at 38w 1d! Birth story


Whew I had my baby boy today. I went in this morning to my doctors appointment just excited to get checked. I’ve been having Braxton Hicks since 20 weeks but lately they’ve felt a little more uncomfortable. My doctor checked me and I was 4cm and 50% effaced. I was excited, but my sister walked around at 5cm for two weeks so I didn’t want to get my hopes up.

I headed home and vacuumed out my car but I kept noticing some cramping in my lower abdomen. I just chalked this up to getting checked for the first time and continued on. After another hour or two passed I noticed that my Braxton Hicks were starting to make me stop in my tracks and were feeling more uncomfortable. I called my doctor because she told me if I felt anything painful I should go in (my last labor I checked in to the hospital at 10pm and delivered 2 hours later and was unable to get an epidural and it was excruciating!) I wanted to make sure I got the epidural this time so after waiting another half hour I called my husband and told him to head home to take care of our two daughters. He works 45 mins away and after just a few minutes I had to have my brother in law come get the girls from down the street because I really wanted to get to the hospital.

After driving myself there my husband met me and I was checked. I was at a 5 and 70% but my doctor didn’t want to admit me unless I progressed another cm in the next hour. Luckily I did and the anesthesiologist got me hooked up shortly thereafter. Unfortunately for the first half hour of the epidural I could still feel my right half, and my doctor broke my water as it was bulging and the contractions were hurting a lot! Luckily the epidural corrected itself and I was able to labor the rest of the way in peace. When my doctor checked me next I was ready to go! Two pushes later and my baby boy was out weighing 9lbs and 5oz and just about two weeks early! They are monitoring his blood sugar levels just because he was so big but so far he’s been perfect. My girls were both in the 8 pound range and both born 8 days early so I expected a bigger baby but not this big! He flipped at the last second and came out face up and I couldn’t believe how fast and easy he came compared to my last birth. Meet Caspian, he has completed our family!