Growth and gestational diabetes


Went for my last growth scan yesterday at 39+3 days and the scan showed the baby he grown significantly in the last week, 1.5lb!! The ultrasound technician was very shocked and even double checked my details. The doctor didn’t seem too worried but already he’s weighing at 9lbs! She did say he’s now at a greater risk of shoulders getting stuck etc but not to worry about it. I could hear the midwife and the doctor having a bit of a disagreement on what to do as doctor booked me in for induction at 41.5weeks but midwife was saying it needs to be sooner and I need diabetes checks (so far my sugars have always been fine).

The sweeped me yesterday and I’m 2cm dilated and have a very soft cervix, have lots of cramps and back ache so hoping he comes this weekend but I’m so worried now! Has anyone been in this situation before?? (Sorry for rant) x