Wanted to Give Some Hope


Hi Ladies,

Just wanted to share with you my experiences on getting pregnant to see if I can help or put anyone at ease.

My TTC journey began in August 2016.

The Advanced Clear Blue Fertility Monitor helped me get pregnant twice in 2017 but I miscarried both at 9 weeks.

This time around I used the monitor again but my partner also used the Men’s Conceive Plus tablets for the first time and I swear they were the main thing that helped! (I’ll put a picture below)o

Although I tracked ovulation this cycle, I only had sex on my 2 peak days (none other during my fertile window), put a pillow under my hips after BD’ing as I have a tilted uterus and have been told that would help, didn’t notice and extra/sticky CM, drank a few glasses of wine if I wanted, didn’t diet or particularly exercise and just went with the flow really.

Noticed I had a sore boob at 10dpo so tested and got a Vvvfl but then got my clear positive today.

Good luck to all of you ladies! I’m hoping this one is a sticky one 🌈 xx