MIA IS HERE! 7.1 oz 3.555kgs πŸ’œπŸŽ‰

Olivia β€’ 🌸baby girl due march 2018 🌸

Thursday 29th of march was my induction date I was 40w 2d! At 8:30 am my doctor broke my water and I was on the oxytocin drip... I went through 3.5 hours of labour with no gas or epidural but the contractions were so strong I was in agony! I was literally up on my hospital bed in squatting position screaming lol.. so I asked for an epidural and it seemed like so long before the anaesthesiologist arrived πŸ™„ it was so hard to sit still while he was putting the needle into me but I knew I had to!!!! By 5:30pm my doctor checked me and I was 10cm!!!! My doctor said ok olivia you are fully dilated and your baby will be here in an hour and a half 😳 well sure enough I pushed and I pushed and he even got me to cough and cough .. at 7:01 my partner delivered our beautiful baby girl Mia! With a full head of hair , Weighing 3.555kgs/ 7.1 pound , 49cm/19inch long! When they put her on my chest she was looking for my nipple and latched straight away!! That was the best moment of my life I was in utter shock that we had created something so perfect. I have been a mum for a week now and it has been so lovely but hey no one said it was going to be easy! She is such a beautiful little person I don't care if I never sleep again as long as she is happy! πŸ˜‚