Pregnancy/mom brain is real

I’ve got less than 2 weeks until my due date. I literally have to write everything down or else I forget.

Long story short, I forgot to get myself lunch foods for the next few days. Yesterday I went to the store to grab a couple things I had forgotten the day before. I found some mini wontons (a huge bag, sounded amazing). (Back story, I have food allergies... dairy, eggs, treenuts, peanuts, fish and shellfish). Well I read the ingredients and it was fine and had their allergen statement at the end saying “contains wheat and soy”. So that’s fine. I had some for lunch today. And I waited so long to eat lunch that I was going back for seconds.... something caught my eye in the ingredients... it has oyster sauce in it. 😳 so now I just took Benadryl and hopefully that’ll be enough. But now I’m sitting here praying I don’t have a reaction. I feel like a fucking idiot. (But for real they are at fault too for not having a major allergen like that listed in their allergen statement).

And I know that mom brain isn’t going to go away any time soon either.