Baby born at 33 weeks *long story*

S🌸 • Mama to a beautiful baby girl 🎀

Parker Lee was born at 33+4 weeks, FTM and I was terrified of giving birth! Obviously didn’t know what to expect and that scared me. I went into the hospital after my water broke at about 9:25pm April 5! Checked into the hospital where they told me they were going to try and stop the labor and I could relax’ 2:00am rollls around and I’m having some period cramps and over all uncomfortable! 11:00am rolls around and I ask for Tylenol or something to ease the pain, they tell me they have to do a check before they give me pain meds and check to make sure I can be transferred to a bigger hospital because my period cramps have become frequent! They check and I was 6cm.. they tell me we’re doing a new plan and having the baby here! I relax for another half hour and the doctor suggests I get some pain reliever so I opt for an epidural (which didn’t hurt at all) to get some sleep, but before I get the epidural they again have to check to see how dialated I am! I was 7.5cm! Get my epidural and decided to go to sleep before i can’t get any with the babe! They wake me 2 hours later and again checking and I was 10cm and ready to push! Instead of pushing; babe was content and so was I, so we waited another 2 hours for my body to natural bring her down the canal! Finally it was time to push and it took me 3 and some hours of hard pushing for her to come out! Best day of my life 💕 5lbs 13oz and 18in long born April 6 2018