guys I seriously can't do this anymore


I can't. my whole body hurts. I can't sleep. I can't pick up or play with my son who is the light of my life, so it breaks my heart. as of yesterday, I cant move my leg left, my hip hurts way too bad. we've tried sex and walking and chinese food and spicy food, nipple stimulation. I'm so fucking depressed. probably because I cant sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time. my head is always pounding, im tired and cranky so im snapping at the people I love the most. I'm 40w 4d today. laying in my bed fucking sobbing quietly as my husband and son sleep soundly. my midwife refuses to induce till the 15th. the only person we have AT ALL to watch my son when I go into labor or have to be induced is out of state from the 12th till the night of the 15th. who will watch him? my husband is military and we have no one, everyone has moved away and I am NOT ditching him with some random paid babysitter he doesn't even know. guys.... I'm hurting. I'm hurting physically, emotionally. all of me. my spirits are broken. I cant do this anymore. I cant.