midwives brew WENT INTO LABOR


im 40w 5d. was due on April 3rd. so I'm going to keep updating this post to let you all know what happens. last night at about 9pm I made and downed midwives brew. (freaking gross. dont let anyone lie to you... but how bad do you want it?) got a little sick in my stomach before bed at 1am but that's all.

4 am: woke up to pee. realized I was having a contraction. probably pain wise 2/10. nothing bad. ended up having a BM but wasnt diarhea, just smooth. (this could be from the midwives brew or the fast food I ate)

5:30 am- woke up to pee. more noticable contractions but nothing serious. went back to sleep.

9:00am- woke up and realized the contractions were pretty strong, but went back to sleep.

10:20- woke up and started timing them, they are consistent at 5 minutes apart and about 45 seconds long, with a few having less time inbetween or a little more time inbetween. definitely painful but still can handle them. had bloody show.

12pm- took my son to gymnastics. still contracting pain is getting worse. like a 5/10

2pm- more bloody mucus. contractions starting to slim out so I called my midwife and she told me to take a single TEASPOON of castor oil in orange juice on an empty stomach and then take a hot shower, as hot as I can stand and to take a nap. (we are trying to avoid pitocin induction, as both me and my son did not react well to pitocin at all). hoping the contractions come back! she truly believes today is the day, my body just needs a slight jump start. ultrasound and Non stress test tomorrow if no baby. (ps- castor oil tastes like effin ass. I never thought I'd take it but I trust my midwife. I dont know how these people I see on posts take 2 tablespoons or more. disgusting. also keep in mind, I am 5 days overdue, so do not do this if you are not at 40 weeks yet, talk to your doctor or midwife first. I'm also 3cm 70% effaced as of 6 days ago with a lot of lost mucus plug and streaks of blood so that may also be why she recommended it. I wouldn't try it if you are not showing signs of being ready)

7pm- took a nap, woke up to some hard painful contractions. about to start timing them again

about 29 hours after taking it, I was on labor!!! smooth labor and smooth delivery!! did tear unfortunately due to old scar tissue. but not bad.