Just curious to see what others think.

Crystal • Hi! We have been trying for baby #2 for going on 2 years now.
Alright so Af was due on the 16th. I had slight cramps that week but no major signs of af. I had decided to wait until Monday, which will b the 22nd, just to make sure af wasn't coming. Sometimes it's a day or 2 late. Well on the 19th about 6 pm I started spotting, dark brown blood. I put a panty liner on, n throughout the entire night I had a bout a quarter size spot of dark brown blood. Well woke up the 20th, still barely spotting. Put a tampon in because I assumed it was going to get heavier n we were going swimming. Later that day I took it out and barely anything on it, what was on it, dark brown. Put another panty liner on and left it. Woke up this morning with another quarter size spot, dark brown. The spotting hasn't picked up and no red blood. I plan on testing tomorrow if still no sign of red blood, I'm just curious if anyone has ever dealt with this and how it turned out for u. Thank you :)