Potty training... 🤦🏽‍♀️

R • •Mother to 2 beautiful kids•

Any mommas out there up to give this momma some advice on potty training my 3year old daughter, as soon as I feel like I’m getting somewhere she’ll go on the potty a few times throughout the day then will turn around and not want to for a few days and she absolutely refuses to go #2 on the potty!... I have no idea what to do anymore I’ve tried all the tricks and still nothing. I’ve talked to her pediatrician who just keeps saying she’ll do it when she’s ready but I’m not gonna sit back and not try you know?.. and honestly I feel like people judge me for her not being potty trained yet cause I’m a stay at home mom but she’s my first child and I don’t want to push it and make her really not want to do it!..