Fighting Sleep and Co-Sleeping


So for the past week my 4 1/2 month old son has been having trouble going to sleep. For a little while I had gotten him on a 9 pm bed time and he would pretty much sleep though the night with maybe one or two feedings. Well a couple weeks ago he started not wanting to go to sleep at 9 and then he'd wake up every two hours or so to eat. Now he's not wanting to go to bed on his own at all. Even if I do get him to sleep, it could take an hour or two, and he's usually awake or fussing soon after. So I've brought him into bed with me a couple times, and I'm noticing that when I do that he goes to sleep imedietely and stays asleep. I love cuddling with him but I don't want this to be a permanent thing, because I'm afraid it'll ruin any sleep progress we've made and make it harder when he moves to his own bed. Has anyone dealt with this before or have any suggestions? Im not sure why he's not wanting to sleep on his own anymore because until recently he's never had a problem with it.