just wanna rant somewhere

I wanted to be petty and subtweet these girls on social media and then i decided you know what it's not worth my time 🤷‍♀️

so I had these friends from work. we were bffs all last summer and a good part of last year. we saw each other every day at work, had sleepovers, went on adventures, you name it.

anyway they both went away for college and I stayed home. while they were gone I was promoted at work! now I'm a manager! I'm really proud of myself and glad that all of my hard work paid off. my friends seemed supportive...

we were supposed to go on a trip this summer. I asked for the dates so I could request off of work for us but... no news. i figured they'd tell me whenever they knew, no big rush, still a month or two way.

well i go into work today to find out they had asked another manager to request them off... without me. I was blindsided. I thought maybe something was up when they hadn't told me the dates earlier but I didnt know they were planning on completely uninviting me!!

obviously I messaged my "friends" to ask what was going on. only one responded, and said they thought I couldn't go because I'm a manager now. I never said anything to suggest I couldn't go because of my promotion. I explained how I was hurt and disappointed and neither of them bothered to respond. the one girl said I could still go, but I know when I'm not wanted.

I didnt realize my promotion would cost me a few (seemingly) good friends.....