
Alice • 19👽 ♎Libra/Virgo♍ Cusp🔁 😊Happily taken🔒 by my bestfriend🗝️💕6/26/17

Why is it so hard for some women to understand that just because a man is a bad husband to someone it doesn't automatically make them a bad father? My parents were awful together, their relationship went to shit and was honestly something I would never wish on anyone. To watch two people who were so in love deteriorate to the point they can barely look at eachother? No thank you... But did that make him a bad father? No. I see women all the time (not just on here) saying things like "You should leave him and take the kids! He doesn't deserve any of you!" in response to mothers seeking relationship advice. I find it appalling. Unless it's said that they are a bad father why jump to that conclusion? Why encourage someone to cut their childs father from their childs life? I just don't understand it.

Edit: By "Bad Husband" I do NOT mean "Abusive Husband" you can be a bad husband/wife without treating your spouse like shit.


Since some of you seem to want to nitpick I am NOT including women in ABUSIVE relationships. A BAD husband is not always a ABUSIVE husband. Which is something I thought I had made clear with my first edit.