Would you get legal advice?

I had a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks and D&C; a few weeks ago.

At my follow up appointment today I was told my previous ultrasounds missed a very large fibroid and upon a secondary review of the films, it was clearly visible but didn’t make it in the report that went to my ob’s office, and that had they known they would have managed my care very differently.

For the backstory I had an u/s at 6 weeks 5 days due to excessive bleeding. They determined they baby had a heartbeat and was growing normally. During the u/s the tech said “wow you have a big fibroid” (tactful I know) so I asked the midwife at my follow up appointment. She pulled the report and said it looked clean.

Cut to 10 weeks when I had the u/s that confirmed the baby had stopped growing at 8 weeks 6 days, and we believe the fibroid is the reason but are currently waiting for the genetic testing results to come back. The fibroid was in that scan, having grown since the last one.

Today at my post D&C; followup, my midwife let me know I should stop trying for several months to see if it shrinks on its own and if it doesn’t to follow up with a fertility specialist later this year. I’m broken. I was holding it together with the hope we could start trying soon but this just reopened the entire wound. I’m angry and frustrated. My midwife is very experienced and mentioned she’d never seen this happen with the ultrasound before and would have done things differently with the information. I realize the likelihood of having a healthy pregnancy would be low, but I really have to wonder how different things could have been.

My husband and I keep going back and forth on speaking with a malpractice lawyer. I really liked my practice but this is unacceptable. What would you do?