Ttc kit? Geritol? Pre-natal vitamins? Opinions please?

My fiancé and I have been Ttc for 2 years. He already has a child, so I know it's not him. When I was 16, the doctors found some cysts on my ovaries, they did farther tests and determined I also have endometriosis, they told me the only way to cure it was to get pregnant, and that it was going to be very hard for me to get pregnant. I haven't been on any form of birth control for about 4 years. And then it was only pills and the nuvaring. We have tried everything to get pregnant, this may sound silly but even as far as to put my legs up against the wall afterwards and NOTHING! About 4 months ago we received a positive on a test I get at a different type of doc I go to, it's a very early Prego test. We were so happy! We went to the obgyn to get a blood test, it came back negative, they said it may have been an early on miscarriage. We both sat in the car n the parking lot n bawled our eyes out for 45 mins. We both want this so bad! I recently joined this site, and have been recording things, I've noticed my periods are very irregular. In March it was 6 days and 30 days until my next one in April which lasted 7 days and then 22 days until the next in May and it lasted 4 days and then 25 days until this month, which I just started today. I've been reading about Ttc kits, I can get a trial one for just shipping and handling. Any opinions on it? Also I've been reading about woman taking geritol and getting great results, so I googled it and read some reviews, they say most women say yes but proven facts say no, and that a multi-vitamin helps more then it does?? Opinions?? Also pre- natal vitamins, or other Ttc vitamins? Or all at the same time?  I could really use some help on what product or prodcits I should buy? I'm sorry it's so long, just we really really want a baby! It's killing us, I cry myself to sleep a lot, thinking we will never be blessed with a child of our own, when a lot of mothers out there don't want their child or don't care about it. I don't understand! Everyone keeps saying have faith, it will happen when the time is right, but I'm starting to loose my faith, that I will ever be blessed with my own beautiful miracle....... But anyways I hope someone can give me some advice. Please? Thanks so much! Sorry it's so