What do i do?

I danced with one of my best guy friends at my cotillion last February. We stayed very close to each other all night. And we have talked and flirted ever since. I was there for him through his last break up and everything(which was before cotillion). I really like him and he likes me but he says he doesn’t know if he wants a relationship. This weekend he was hanging out with my ex which is one of his best friends and we all get along. My ex texted me and said that it is gross that I like him and that he likes someone else which happens to be one of my friends that are like a sister to me. I asked him if it was true and he said ofcourse not. Then I told my ex that he was wrong and he blew up and said that my crush had straight up told him that he liked my friend and that he wasn’t a liar. Then my crush posted a 11:11 and it said “she’s all I want😍” then I asked him who his 11:11 was and he said me but kids at my school talk about him and my friend all the time and he always tells me it’s just a joke. But he always makes sure that I’m never upset or feel used. He takes me anywhere I want and would get me anything if I would let him. Idk what to say or ask to see if he actually likes me? Help?