Very stressed

Ellie • Mommy to a baby boy💖

Im a First Time Mom, delivered my baby Sunday and have had such a stressful time in the hospital. I had an infection in my amniotic fluid so me and LO had a fever during labor & Im sure its stressing him out to be given antibiotics and blood drawn often. Ive been in so much pain, bleeding alot and just over all exhausted. I know thats normal but running on hardly any sleep is making me more stressed. I started out breastfeeding but my sons latch isn’t so good and even with help its still so painful, I’ve started trying to pump but I simply can’t keep up with how much he wants to eat so now I’m supplementing with formula while trying to pump. I feel so bad because I was dead set on breastfeeding but recovery has been hard and now the doctors may want to keep him for longer because he may have jaundice. Any advice for a stressed mommy?