Arielle β€’ Finally got our 🌈! Mommy 9/15/19, MC 4/22/18. Pcos, Endometriosis fighter. Two Fur babies 🐢 Always keep your head up πŸ’™

My doctors office called with my CD21 test results and she said it looked like i had a "good ovulation"! I am so happy my body finally did what its suppose to (so far).

I have PCOS and almost never ovulate, I had a positive Opk so I was pretty sure that I did but wanted to know for certain. First month on Clomid and have dramatically changed my diet and eating habits to work along with my body. Af due next Tuesday so hoping it's a win win this month πŸ˜€πŸ€© (still not gonna count my "eggs" till they hatch though, pardon the pun πŸ˜‰πŸ€£)