Help! 🤷🏼‍♀️


Hey Ladies!

Fo some reason my little one has decided she doesn’t care for my right boob. When I start on that side it doesn’t seem to be a problem, prob cause she’s really hungry. But when I start on the left she then refuses to latch on the right (even after only 5-6 minutes on the left). Every now and then I can trick her into thinking it’s the left by holding her football style but it doesn’t always work. I know she won’t starve herself and if she was really hungry she’d latch, but I had major problems with mastitis with my other daughter. I exclusively breast feed and don’t even pump. (I hated pumping last time and my other daughter took to formula and a bottle very easily so I’m not too worried about that).

Just wondering if any of you have any tricks or advice for getting her to latch on her “non preferred” boob? Or out of necessity should I start her on the right all the time? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️