My baby loves her blanket... help!


So my sweet little girl is 5 months. She absolutely loves her blanket and putting the soft side against her cheek to help her fall asleep. During the day when its nap time I can watch her and make sure she doesn’t pull the blanket up over her or anything else that’s dangerous.... but at night I can’t see because I’m sleeping and I’m having the hardest time getting her to sleep without it. I’ll get her asleep and she’ll be in a deep sleep and I’ll slowly move the blanket off and she wakes up and cries every time.... any other mom out there that’s dealt with this and knows what to do? It’s so frustrating because I want her to be comfortable but that scares me too much to let her sleep with it.


I got her a sleep sack so she has the comfort of a blanket but no actual blanket to wrap herself up in!! Thanks for all the feedback ladies 😘😘