I’m desperately asking for help!


My 6 week old will NOT sleep. He’s getting maybe 6-7 hours spread out in a 24 hour period. At most, he will sleep for 1 hour. He completely understands Day/Night because he will attempt to go back to sleep at night but he will wake up 10-15 mins later even if he was completely passed out on my shoulder. I’m dying. I am so incredibly exhausted and I go back to work soon so I have to figure this out. I can tell he’s tired but he just will not sleep. His crib is already propped in case it’s acid reflux but he’s not crying. He just wakes up constantly.

I am open to any advice. Also he’s a big boy and he eats a LOT. He’s constantly hungry. He has about 3oz every 2 hours and sometimes another ounce or 2. He does not spit it up.

Thanks ladies !!