The hardest thing I ever had to go through

The hardest thing I ever had to go through. I had two previous miscarriages so to get pregnant with twins was a miracle. Unfortunately I had a weaken cervix and delivered the twins early on Dec 2017 at 24 weeks and 5 days. With 2 days of labor and rushed c-section. During the experience I saw angels and leaned on God to carrier me through. BABY A Tim died 9 days later due to NEC (his surgery did go well and all the Drs thought things were looking up. Baby B John has been home now with mommy and Daddy for 3 weeks. John was born weighing 1lbs 10 oz to now weighing 8lbs 13 oz. I could go on forever how the NICU experience was so challenging for various reasons. The prayers we received from the staff and the community are what helped us and for that we are forever greatful for our miracle baby. If anyone else may need someone to talk to I am more than happy to be an advocate in your time of need. GOD BLESS!