Strange feeling rant

I don’t know what’s wrong. I graduated almost two years ago from high school. I got a job in retail when I graduated because I wanted to work for a while before starting school. I only lasted a month because the feeling was overwhelming. I’m not good at communicating with people I always feel uncomfortable.

My parents don’t force me to get a job and they don’t force me to interact with people. I haven’t talked to anyone other then my family and four of my friends from school in over two years. I want to talk to people but I don’t know why I always feel uncomfortable like I want to cry. I feel like the people don’t like me because I come off as rude. I don’t mean to I just can’t get the courage to talk.

Everyone says it’s because I’m shy, but how do I overcome this?Anyone have any ideas? Everyone tells me that I’m just supposed to talk to people and not care what other people say but that’s really hard. I have always had trouble talking I always leave conversation with my friends because I don’t have things to say. I know I’m just awkward. I cry a lot. Everything is so overwhelming.

I mean I have improved when I was a kid ordering my food at drive through and talking in the phone were my worst nightmare. I guess I always have things to do but then I overthink things and don’t bother because I’m scared. I’m scared right now and I don’t know what to do

I’m an adult. I have to work and I can’t hide forever. I know most of the time I’m being irrational. I’m just scared for myself how am I supposed to go on like this. I get so scared easily and then I spend most of my nights crying. I don’t know how I’ll manage.