A post to ease others mind!

So I was constantly worried a few days ago because I was exactly a week late. The day I was suppose to start my period I had no signs or symptoms of my period coming. Let me also add the most I've ever been late is one day so 7 was very concerning to me. Around late day 4 my boobs were very sore and hard, I was nauseous, a little back ache and on and off cramps and little to no discharge. On late day 5 I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. Late day 6 still no period, took another test, negative. On late day 7 my cramps increased and yesterday evening my period came. I wanted to make this post to ease other minds because I was worried at first, thinking I was pregnant, then after it was negative I thought something was wrong with me. Now that my period came I feel silly for all the worrying and realized I can't control some things and I just have to let my body do what it does. So all those out there having these symptoms and are late and you are worried just know your period may come or not come, just let your body do it's job. Also, I've seen that pregnancy symptoms and period symptoms are very similar just like people told me when I thought I was pregnant. Oh and stress 100% plays a part when your period starts. Hope this ease ones mind!