My birth story


I was due on d 25th March 2018. this pregnancy have been the most difficult and hard one for me. I have severe SPD that i was admitted in hospital n using crotches to walk. I have a 12 years old daughter and 2 years old son. On the 25th of March I had contractions that where really painful so me n my husband head to d hospital where they told me my contractions are not strong enough. On the 26th I went for my appointment to midwife she told me my cervix is really really low n open and am 2cm. she did the sweep n i went home. the contractions are there but not to bad. On d 27th the contractions starting to be every 15mins apart but I decided to stay home. On the 28th I started having diarrhoea and bloody show. My contractions started getting worse. around 4pm my husband said we have to head to d hospital. at my arrival they said am only 3cm but my contractions are 7 to 5 mins apart. I was ask to walk around. after 3 hours of walking around in d hall way my contractions were getting worse, my husband called d midwife n I was taken to delivery room. the pain was bad but I managed it with just air n gaz. around 11pm she check me n said everything look good that she can feel baby's head but my water has not broke yet. she said d water is blocking her from coming n I told her to break my water. she want to start explain about d policy I told her plz I gave u my consent to break my water. from d time she break d water it took 45mins later baby was born n 12 mins for d placenta to come out. she was born on d 29th of March 2018. at 00:09am. no tear. she is worth all d pain. she weight 8pounds.