TTC and overweight


Hi ladies!

So I know that after 15 months of ttc, and knowing I’m a chunky monkey which I’ve always been .... I’ve booked to see my GP about what else could be going wrong...

I am 8 days late....took a test yesterday which was negative.... my last period was end of feb but before that, it was end of May last year.... I don’t know when I’m ovulating.... I get painful boobs, acid, headaches, cramp like pains, the munchies ....acne and tiredness...

I eat lots of fruit and veg and salad... I can’t eat too much because of my ibs so I am careful....

I feel like giving up! I know my GP will tell me to lose weight... but I know ladies who are much much bigger than me who have conceived with no problems... can anyone offer me any advice please? Thank you 😊 xx