Just venting.

I'm i wrong for writing a cute post on my fiances wall saying happy Father's Day, I asked him too just in case his daughters mother said something. And my two girls aren't his. But he's stepped up better than their so called dad. No cs no more visits for the past three months for no reason at all. Anyways... I wrote the post put a picture up and that was it. I would had at least like a little response, nothing like oh thank you I love you Blah blah blah. But at least a little recognition. Since he didn't do anything I erased the post. He did post something for his friends but that's it.  We got him a present, I cooked one of his favorite meals. He said thank you and we just relax the rest of the day, he worked. No sex. Which I've been craving so much because I haven't gotten any like I usually do and that's everyday. Well I feel like I want to scream at him be mad and say something but I think I'm just overreacting. Ugh. Some advice would be nice