13 week scan gender?

Alantra🧜‍♀️ • Wife ❤ 1 son 💙 One on the way with a twin in heaven 💕

So, I had my ultrasound today. Baby measured perfect at 12w5d but they dubbed it 13 week ultrasound on my paperwork.

The us tech said I'd get a full anatomy at 20 weeks and she went on showing me arms and legs, head, and she looked between the legs. She said nothing about gender but said I'd find out at anatomy scan. BUT! She paused between the legs long enough for me to look. I saw a bulge!! Not a small one, definately noticeable!

How accurate do you think it would be to assume it's probably a boy? I didn't get a print out of that one but she paused long enough for me and hubby to get a good look. (not asking to tell family, just curious about what I saw)