IDK what to do anymore...😡😑😭


I went to the doctor for a pregnancy test... I had missed my period while on birth control a couple of weeks ago... so I went in and the test was negative, but she also said it could be to early because I had irregular periods before getting on birth she tells me to get back on birth control and if I don’t have my period in 2 weeks to come back for another appointment.... I said ok and left.

Now it’s been a week sense then and my moods are all over the place I’m noticing more symptoms then ever, and the other day my Anxiety was so bad at school because we had testing, and I ended up having a panic attack....and this panic attack was the worse I’ve ever had ....which is very unusual because I haven’t had one in years, and ever sense I’ve been angry and happy and sad all at once idk any more.....someone please help I’m thinking of quitting school because of all the stress, and I can’t handle another panic attack.

Is this normal, or is there something wrong with me...has anyone else experienced this idk what to do anymore.