Dangerous bacteria at work


I'm a nurse at a long term care nursing center and one of my residents has contracted a dangerous bacteria that is highly resistant to antibiotics. He's he only person in the whole state reported to have it. It's in his urine, and I have to flush his catheter daily, and his care is extensive so I have been spending 15-20 minutes at a time in with him sometimes prior to finding out about this bacteria. I'm 38 weeks pregnant.

My doctor wants me to be pulled from work for the remainder of my pregnancy because I can't be transferred so that I won't be caring for him, and my SPD is so bad I can hardly walk. Anyway, when I told my boss she said "welcome to healthcare, this is what we do" and "that's just ignorant that they would even worry about that" even though this is a dangerous bacteria and immunocompromised people are at higher risk of contracting it (hello yes that's me I'm pregnant.).

I'm pretty irked here at her reaction, am I overreacting coming out of work for this?