Advice for Fetal Echo


Hi All. i am 28 weeks 2 days pregnant with my little girl. everything is going well and im looking for some advice. i have had more ultra sounds than the average, it seems. nothing at all came out of the ordinary but... when i was a baby i was born with VSD, a hole in my heart, which was corrected by surgery at 8 months old and i have had zero side effects or repercussions since. because of this, my OBs have suggested getting an echo for me as well as a fetal echocardiogram because of my history. my mother says it isn't medically necessary and we have read recent articles about having too many ultra sounds and tests being bad for my baby, and that it would have shown up in my 20 week scan or any of my many sonos before or since then if there was a major issue. am i being selfish or correct in not wanting this extra test?