

Tuesday night, my boyfriend and I have sex and I noticed as I was cleaning myself up, my crotch felt really tender. (It was a very quick session, so I don’t think there’s any way I just got railed too hard and the lady bits were just raw. Or maybe it is. 🤷🏻‍♀️) I woke up the next morning and I had a small tear right at the tip where my vagina begins, but that happens sometimes and my clit had a red mark as if I skimmed the top of it with a knife. No discharge, no smell, it just has that feeling of discomfort. Like you KNOW something is off down there. I went to the Doctor’s, and she took a look and said nothing was off except for some irritation. Today, same uncomfortable feeling and discharge that looks pretty normal to me. I’ve had plenty of yeast infections, so I do know what it looks like but I’m trying to figure out what I did to cause such an annoyance downstairs. And when my cooter will go back to feeling normal. 😂