Period-Like Cramps?

Stephanie • Naturally delivered our rainbow baby boy in July 2015 💙 and currently expecting our second due in October!
I have 30 days left and for the past few days have had period like cramps. Today I've had them all day and they are starting to go into my back. I'm a FTM and this just takes me back to my MC last summer. Is this normal the last month of pregnancy? Yesterday my stomach was upset all day so I thought maybe that was the cause but today they've been sticking around. 
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When I had those, I was told they were BH. I drank a lot more water and felt better.


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You could be in labor. I'm at 37 tomorrow and just started I feel cramping every once in a while with increased pelvic pressure. Many describe labor like painful menstrual cramps. I would start timing them and the distance between them. Your water doesn't have to break to be in labor. 


Emily • Jun 22, 2015
That's good. Could be Braxton hicks, but I have never really felt my Braxton hicks this whole pregnancy.


Stephanie • Jun 22, 2015
They aren't painful/unbearable, just crampy. I have an appt in the morning so we shall see!


Emily • Jun 22, 2015
To* not I. I'm not in labor yet lol.


Posted at
Some peoples contractions just feel that way. That's mainly how mine feel. I asked my midwife about it and that's what she said. I have experienced them starting in my back and more sharp, but only about 3 or so times. 


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Yes it's normal. I have them all the time. It's just your body's way of getting ready for labor. No worries though, the preparation can start for up to a month in advance 


Stephanie • Jun 22, 2015
Thank you! Putting my mind at ease!! 😊


Posted at
Glad I found this post I'm 34+6 and for the last week I've felt cramps especially if I've been walking or been active doing things in the house. I asked the midwife she wasn't concerned just said it was normal to help the baby's head start to decend into the pelvis :)


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I've been having these cramps really bad, but saw doctor and was told that it was completely normal for your last month. They assured me that walking and warm baths or Tylenol could help with this. 


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I am 37 weeks and have had them for 3 weeks now. I was only 1cm dilated on Friday and my dr said the cramps are normal. Mine have gone to my back as well. I hope that doesn't mean back labor for us. 


Kristin • Jun 25, 2015
If you do experience back labor you could always try some belly lifts - supposedly it really helps a lot of women. Most back labor is baby grinding into your tailbone so if you can lift and reposition baby just a little more towards the birth canal it should help a lot.


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Me too. I also feel a pinching in my butt (best way I can explain it) 


Sara • Jun 26, 2015
Had the same thing tonight. Was wondering what it was. Weird


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Please share an update. :) I started having the exact same prob last night and still having it this morning. Just a crampy feeling down low. I will b 37 weeks tomorrow. 


Stephanie • Jun 28, 2015
I'm still getting them daily. I have a heating pad on my back right now and experiencing the same cramps. I'm 36+3 and it's a daily thing!


Posted at
I had the same the starting around 34-35 weeks and my doctor toldMe they were false labor pains, I am now 37 weeks (continuing with the cramps) and still waiting on this little boy of mine to make his entrance into the world!