Looking for a cycle Buddy! TTC with #1 I am a 32 day cycle typically. 😊

Hey! My name is Kristina and I am looking for a cycle buddy to test with and just share experiences with. I have been TTC with my husband for the last 3 years. We have been married for 6 and together for 7. I have had to chemical pregancies and miscarriages. Currently going through my 2ond one. We were diagnosed with a 2mm Prolactinoma in FEb 2015 and that is causing our infertility. Went in for a day 4 ultrasound to day. Had normal uterine lining and follicles on both ovaries!! 6 or 7'on one and I think 4 on the other so that's good news. I go back tomorrow for bloodwork. Baby dust and prayers for everyone! ❤️🙏🏼