How can I enjoy pregnancy i

Hi guys I recently found out I was pregnant and didn't tell my other half as I knew he wouldn't be happy as it isn't the right time right now because he lost his job a few months ago. I finally told him yesterday and he asked if I would consider and abortion? I've been with this man for 12 years now and he has always known how I feel about that. I would never have one because I don't believe in doing that. ( Everyone is welcome to make their own choice this is just mine) I just got myself a part time job so we can get some extra money coming in until he finds another job. We have 3 other children 7,4 & 20months, so I know a 4th child will be a lot but I didn't make this baby on my own. I have PCOS so all the hormonal pill mess with my emotions and hormones and make me.very depressed at times so I came off them in Nov. We have never used condoms because I've always been the one to protect myself. But I explained to him how it was affecting me and he still said he didn't want to use one or do the pull out method. Long story short he asked me the same question today and said that I should put my beliefs aside and look at the reality of things. What he doesn't understand is that I ha ve. I have had 3 miscarriages and they all hurt me and he knows that. so how can he ask me to willingly have an abortion?

UPDATE: I have got myself a job so hopefully he will come around because I am not terminating my pregnancy. We both knew the risks (even though I did avoid my fertile window)