I didn’t get to tell them first! 🙇🏽‍♀️

I just need to vent. Maybe I’m crazy and overreacting but it pissed me off ...

I’m pregnant and we found out we’re having a girl. Well, the father has 3 other kids with his ex wife (apparently he wants 5 children and his wife didn’t so she got her tubes tied but besides the point) ...

well we had planned when we picked up the boys (all Boys) that we was going tell them that they had a little sister on the way..

Well when we got them we found out his ex wife had told them first before we picked them up. So the first thing they said when we got them is when can we meet our sister and I’m sitting here like um what...???!

So we’re like guys... how do you know who told you?? And they’re like mom told us so I’m sitting here like

It’s my first pregnancy and it’s MINE not hers so I’m like um we wanted to them!! I know she hates me being pregnant but thats just spikeful!!